Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Planning Committee (North) - Monday 16th December, 2024 6.00 pm, NEW

Venue: Council Chamber, Corby Cube, George Street, Corby, NN17 1QG

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for non-attendance


Apologies for non-attendance were received from Councillors Paul Bell, Malcolm Waters, Roger Powell, Mark Dearing and Mike Tebbutt.


It was noted that Councillor Robin Carter was present as a substitute for Councillor Mike Tebbutt.




Minutes of the meetings held on 30 October and 4 December 2024


Members' Declarations of Interests


The chair asked members to declare any interests on items present on the agenda.


No declarations were made.


Applications for planning permission, listed building consent and appeal information*

Presented By: Planning Manager


The Committee considered the following application for planning permission, which were set out in the Development Control Officers Report and supplemented verbally and in writing at the meeting.


The reports included details of applications and, where applicable, results of statutory consultations and representations which had been received from interested bodies and individuals, and the Committee reached the following decisions:-.



NK.2021.0292 Hanwood Park - S106 Update




a)     Outline planning permission (all matters reserved) be GRANTED subject to safeguarding planning conditions (listed at the end of the report) and subject to the completion of a satisfactory Section 106 Legal Agreement which secures appropriate planning obligations and subject to the withdrawal of the holding recommendation by National Highways.


b)     Should a satisfactory Section 106 Legal Agreement which secures appropriate planning obligations not be completed on or before 30 April 2025, or any extension of time agreed in writing between the applicant and the Local Planning Authority that it be delegated to the Executive Director of Place and Economy to REFUSE planning permission;


c)      Authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Place and Economy in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee to impose planning conditions and/or secure planning obligations (as appropriate) in relation to the local highway mitigation schemes;


d)     Authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Place and Economy in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee to impose planning conditions and/or planning obligations to secure appropriate mitigation on the Strategic Road Network in order to facilitate the removal of the current holding recommendation from National Highways; and


e)     Authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Place and Economy in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee to make any minor alterations or substitutions to the planning conditions or accompanying approved plans that relate to factual updates or typographical errors for the purposes of ensuring that planning conditions are precise and enforceable.



Exempt Items




Close of Meeting