Venue: Remote Meeting via Zoom
Contact: Raj Sohal
No. | Item |
Apologies for non-attendance, Forum membership changes and declarations of interest Presented By: Raj Sohal Minutes: Apologies were received from the following members: Angela Prodger, James Sherlock and Robert Tite. |
Minutes of meeting held on 17th October 2024 and points arising/officer feedback PDF 113 KB Presented By: Chair Minutes: RESOLVED that: The minutes of the meeting held on the 17th October be approved as an accurate record. |
Presented By: Sariya Bi Additional documents: Minutes: The Forum considered a report by The Senior Finance Business Partner, which outlined the current financial position of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) against the budget for 2024-25.
RESOLVED that: The report be noted. |
2024-25 Schools Monitoring PDF 129 KB Presented By: Salik Khan Minutes: The Forum considered a report by The Finance Business Partner, which outlined the current budget position based on the second quarter, representing April 2024 to September 2024 and consequently, the anticipated year end balances forecast.
RESOLVED that: The report be noted. |
2025-26 National Funding Formula and Proposed Schools Funding Formulae and Consultation PDF 178 KB Presented By: Yoke O'Brien Additional documents:
Minutes: The North Northamptonshire Schools Forum considered a report by the Assistant Director of Education, which outlined:
Following the presentation, Forum members raised a number of key lines of enquiry, in which the following areas were probed:
Impact of the Transfer on Schools Funding
Question: Members expressed concerns regarding the minimal real-term funding increase for schools after accounting for grants rolled into the National Funding Formula (NFF). They suggested that after a 0.5% transfer, schools would effectively see only a 1% increase in funding, which would not offset the anticipated 2.8% teacher pay award. Members questioned whether the transfer would worsen financial challenges for schools.
Response: Officers acknowledged the tight funding situation, agreeing with members’ assessment that the real-term funding increase was limited. They elaborated that although schools would face significant pressures, the 0.5% transfer to the High Needs Block (HNB) was crucial for addressing SEND needs. Officers emphasised that all schools would still benefit financially, but the challenges of inflation and pay awards would remain.
Mechanism for Monitoring the Use of Transferred Funds
Question: Members expressed concerns that the transfer could feel like “a massive number being made slightly less massive”, if there was no clarity on how the money would be spent. They proposed detailed reporting to ensure the £1.5 million transfer produced tangible results.
Response: Officers agreed to provide detailed breakdowns of how the transfer funds would be allocated within the High Needs Block. They highlighted that the funds would primarily support early intervention and SEND inclusion strategies. These measures were expected to reduce exclusions and reliance on Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs) by addressing needs earlier. Officers committed to making future reports more transparent to show the impact of the transfer.
Growth Fund Mechanism and Timelines
Question: Members sought clarification on the processes for accessing the Growth Fund, particularly for in-year admissions occurring after census day. They queried whether there was a formal application process and how schools should manage additional pupils when their funding had already been set.
Response: Officers acknowledged previous issues with the transparency of the Growth Fund allocation process. They explained that a new governance structure would be implemented, involving a formal application form and a review panel of headteachers. Schools facing unplanned growth post-census would still be eligible for support, with allocations based on need. Officers also reassured members that schools asked by the Council to take additional pupils would not need to submit applications but would instead receive agreed funding upfront.
Balancing Priorities: High Needs Block vs. Growth Fund
Question: Members questioned the rationale behind prioritising the Growth Fund when schools were already underfunded. They suggested that redirecting money into the Growth Fund would not address the fundamental funding challenges schools faced and asked for clarity on the reasoning behind this approach.
Response: Officers emphasised the necessity of the Growth Fund to meet statutory ... view the full minutes text for item 192. |
High Needs Update and 2025-26 Budget PDF 279 KB Presented By: Charisse Monero Minutes: The Forum considered a report by The Executive Director of Children’s Services, which outlined the budget position of the High Needs Block of the DSG and NNC’s strategy for managing the deficit.
RESOLVED that: The report be noted. |
2025-26 Proposed Central Schools Services Block Budget PDF 141 KB Presented By: Fran Cox Minutes: The Forum considered a report by The Assistant Director of Education, which outlined NNC’s proposals for central expenditure on education functions for 2025-26.
The report presented an overall estimated reduction of £142k in the Central Schools Services Block (CSSB), mainly due to the 20% reduction in the historical element of the CSSB.
RESOLVED that: The Forum:
a) Notes the ongoing reduction of 20% to historical commitments of the CSSB year on year.
b) Agrees the use of the historical commitment budget.
c) Agrees the use of the available ongoing responsibilities budgets.
d) Agrees the use of contribution to combined services budget. |
Pupil Growth Fund Update and 2025-26 Budget PDF 284 KB Presented By: Fran Cox Minutes: The Forum considered a report by The Assistant Director of Education, which outlined NNC’s Pupil Growth Fund, which provided revenue funding schools to employ the necessary staff to allow for the provision of new school places.
RESOLVED that: The report be noted. |
De-Delegation - Trade Union Facilities Time PDF 131 KB Presented By: Fran Cox Minutes: The Forum considered a report by The Assistant Director of Education, which outlined the proposed per-pupil rate for the de-delegation of trade union facilities time.
a) The Primary Maintained members of the Forum agree to increase the current per-pupil rate of £3.79 in line with the teacher’s pay settlement of 5.5%, to give a new rate of £4.00 per pupil.
b) The Secondary Maintained members of the Forum abstain from the vote. |
De-Delegation - School Effectiveness PDF 373 KB Presented By: Fran Cox Minutes: The Forum considered a report by The Assistant Director of Education, which outlined the de-delegation of School Effectiveness, which was funded from the CSSB of the DSG.
a) The Primary Maintained members of the Forum agree to increase the de-delegation of School Effectiveness to £13.48, in line with the inflationary increase in teachers pay, which is 5.5%.
b) The Secondary Maintained members of the Forum abstain from the vote. |
Urgent Business Presented By: All Minutes: There was none.
There being no further business the meeting was closed. |