Venue: Council Chamber, Corby Cube
Contact: Ben Smith Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Philip Irwin, Steven North and Russell Roberts. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 29 April 2024 PDF 98 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that:-
The minutes of the meeting held on 29 April 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Notification of requests to attend the meeting. Minutes: It was confirmed that no requests to attend the meeting by the public had been made. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: The Chair invited those who wished to do so to declare any interests in respect of items on the agenda.
No declarations were made. |
2024/25 Scrutiny Work Planning PDF 88 KB Members, in consultation with officers, will consider items to be included in the work programmes for the three scrutiny committees for 2024/25 in a workshop style environment. Presented By: Ben Smith, Head of Democratic Services/Statutory Scrutiny Officer Decision: a) Further to comments now made at the meeting, approves the first iteration of the Workplan, to be circulated following consideration of the updated document with the chairs of the three scrutiny committees;
b) Notes that the Workplan is a living document which will be subject to review and may be updated:-
i) to reflect the changing needs and priorities of scrutiny; and
ii) following consideration of items requested by the three scrutiny committees and individual councillors.
Reason for Recommendations – To meet the Constitutional requirements for the Scrutiny Management Board to demonstrate its strategic responsibility for the Scrutiny function, its overall responsibility for the direction and management of Scrutiny, and to fulfil its obligation to develop and approve an Annual Scrutiny Workplan.
Alternative Options Considered – Not to develop a Scrutiny Workplan - however this would not demonstrate the Board’s strategic responsibility, or provide the necessary strategic direction to the three Scrutiny Committees. Minutes: The Chair welcomed members of the Scrutiny Management Board, Chairs and Vice Chairs of Committees, directorate and scrutiny officers to the meeting.
In considering and confirming the proposed scrutiny work plans for 2024/25, the Board noted the following principle points:-
i) The Scrutiny Management Board had overall responsibility for the direction and management of Scrutiny to ensure that non-executive members made an effective contribution to the improvement and development of the Council, its services, and other external public services for the benefit of North Northamptonshire;
ii) As part of this responsibility, the Scrutiny Management Board was required to develop and approve an Annual Scrutiny Workplan. The proposed items before the Board were the product of the Board and Officers’ collaborative work in preparing the annual workplan for 2024/25;
iii) In preparing the draft workplan for 2024/25 a separate workshop was originally going to be held, however due to the July 2024 General Election this had been delayed by a number of weeks. Rather than delay further by holding the workshop and then having a Board meeting to approve it later in August, it was agreed to gather the proposed items for each committee, and other potential items for consideration at this meeting, for approval;
iv) That in agreeing the workplans for each committee, there should be no more than three detailed items on any one committee agenda to promote effective and focussed scrutiny, and that scrutiny need not and should not receive every Executive item for pre-scrutiny, but should be selective of items where it is considered there is added value in considering them.
That Scrutiny Management Board:
a) Approves the first iteration of the Workplan, to be circulated following consideration of the updated document with the chairs of the three scrutiny committees;
b) Notes that the Workplan is a living document which will be subject to review and may be updated:-
i) to reflect the changing needs and priorities of scrutiny; and
ii) following consideration of items requested by the three scrutiny committees and individual councillors.
Reason for Recommendations – To meet the Constitutional requirements for the Scrutiny Management Board to demonstrate its strategic responsibility for the Scrutiny function, its overall responsibility for the direction and management of Scrutiny, and to fulfil its obligation to develop and approve an Annual Scrutiny Workplan.
Alternative Options Considered – Not to develop a Scrutiny Workplan - however this would not demonstrate the Board’s strategic responsibility, or provide the necessary strategic direction to the three Scrutiny Committees. |
Close of Meeting Minutes: There being no further business, the Chair thanked Members and Officers for their attendance and closed the meeting. |