Venue: Council Chamber, Corby Cube, George Street, Corby, Northants, NN17 1QG
Contact: Ben Smith
No. | Item |
Apologies for non-attendance. Minutes: There were no apologies for attendance. |
Members' Declarations of Interest Minutes: The Chair invited those who wished to do so to declare any interests in respects of items on the agenda.
No declarations were made.
Notifications of requests to address the meeting. Minutes: It was confirmed there were no requests to address the meeting. |
Scrutiny Workplan 2023/24 PDF 152 KB To consider and approve the draft Scrutiny Workplan for 2023/24. Presented By: Ben Smith, Head of Democratic Services Additional documents:
Decision: That the Scrutiny Management Board:-
a) Notes that the Workplan attached as Appendix A has been drafted as a result of:- i) a collaborative workshop between members of the Scrutiny Management Board, the Executive, and officers from the Corporate Leadership Team; ii) a further workshop between members of the Scrutiny Management Board and the Statutory Scrutiny Officer; iii) consideration of potential carry-forward items from the 2022/23 scrutiny workplan.
b) Further to comments now made at the meeting, approves the first iteration of the Workplan;
c) Notes that the Workplan is a living document which will be subject to review and may be updated:- i) to reflect the changing needs and priorities of scrutiny; and ii) following consideration of items requested by the three scrutiny committees and individual councillors. Reason for Recommendations – To meet the Constitutional requirements for the Scrutiny Management Board to demonstrate its strategic responsibility for the Scrutiny function, its overall responsibility for the direction and management of Scrutiny, and to fulfil its obligation to develop and approve an Annual Scrutiny Workplan.
Alternative Options Considered – Not to develop a Scrutiny Workplan - however this would not demonstrate the Board’s strategic responsibility, or provide the necessary strategic direction to the three Scrutiny Committees. Minutes: The Scrutiny Management Board considered a report of the Head of Democratic Services which sought consideration of the draft annual workplan for 2023/24. A copy of the report is attached to the agenda for the meeting.
It was noted that the Scrutiny Management Board had adopted a two-stage approach to work planning for 2023/24. This had consisted of information gathering from Executive Members and Corporate Leadership Team officers at a workshop held on 8 august 2023, and a further workshop to consider carry forwards from the previous 2022/23 workplan new items proposed for the 2023/24 year.
The Board discussed the proposed plan and made a number of minor amendments.
It also considered the Executive Forward Plan for September to December 2023, noting it would be an important tool to use to decide which items were of importance to exercise pre-scrutiny.
It then considered a number of additional items that had been requested for consideration. Of those not already having been identified as being in the workplan, the following was agreed:-
i) Sustainable Urban Extensions (requested by Cllr Steven North) – to be added to the Place and Economy Scrutiny workplan; ii) Greenway Strategy (requested by Cllr Valerie Anslow) – to receive an update later in the municipal year if necessary via the Place and Economy workplan; iii) Culture, Heritage and Tourism Business Plan (requested by Cllr Valerie Anslow) – to be added to the Health Scrutiny workplan; iv) A509 Isham Bypass Business Case (requested by a councillor) – recommended that a briefing note on the current position be provided to all councillors; v) Housing Voids (item suggested by Corporate Scrutiny Committee) – to be added to the Place and Environment Scrutiny workplan; vi) Agency/OPUS figures (item suggested by Corporate Scrutiny Committee) – to be added to the Corporate Scrutiny workplan; vii) Review of Implementation of Pay and Grading (item suggested by Corporate Scrutiny Committee) – to be added to the Corporate Scrutiny workplan. Resolved:-
That the Scrutiny Management Board:-
a) Notes that the Workplan attached as Appendix A has been drafted as a result of:- i) a collaborative workshop between members of the Scrutiny Management Board, the Executive, and officers from the Corporate Leadership Team; ii) a further workshop between members of the Scrutiny Management Board and the Statutory Scrutiny Officer; iii) consideration of potential carry-forward items from the 2022/23 scrutiny workplan.
b) Further to comments now made at the meeting, approves the first iteration of the Workplan, to be circulated to all councillors and senior officers;
c) Notes that the Workplan is a living document which will be subject to review and may be updated:- i) to reflect the changing needs and priorities of scrutiny; and ii) following consideration of items requested by the three scrutiny committees and individual councillors. Reason for Recommendations – To meet the Constitutional requirements for the Scrutiny Management Board to demonstrate its strategic responsibility for the Scrutiny function, its overall responsibility for the direction and management of Scrutiny, and to fulfil its obligation to ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Dates of Future Meetings. Minutes: Resolved:-
a) That regular meetings of the Scrutiny Management Board should take place quarterly for the remainder of the municipal year, during November 2023, February and April 2024;
b) That meetings for other months of the municipal year should be diarised in case of a call-in needing to be considered following a meeting of the Executive, but that these be held only if necessary. |