Agenda, decisions and minutes

Corporate Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 11th June, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Corby Cube, George Street, Corby, NN17 1QG

Contact: Louise Tyers  01832 742198


No. Item


Apologies for non-attendance


Apologies for non-attendance were received from Councillors Anup Pandey and Russell Roberts.  Apologies were also received from Councillor Lloyd Bunday, Executive Member for Finance and Transformation.


Members' Declarations of Interest


The Chair invited those who wished to do so to declare any interests in respect of items on the agenda.


No declarations of interest were made.


Notifications of requests to address the meeting


There were no requests to address the meeting.


Minutes of the meeting held on 9th April 2024 pdf icon PDF 129 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 9 April 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Performance Indicator Report 2023/24 - Period 11 pdf icon PDF 163 KB

Presented By: Tom Barden - Head of Performance, Intelligence and Partnerships

Additional documents:




To note the performance of the Council and its services as at Period 11.


The Head of Performance, Intelligence and Partnerships presented the report which provided an update on the Council’s performance across a wide range of services.  The report provided a detailed assessment of the Council’s performance in relation to Key Performance Indicators for 2023/24 for Period 11 (February 2024).  57% of the indicators were either on target or within tolerance. 


During discussion on the report, the following key points were made:


i.        Percentage of minor planning applications determined within 8 weeks (or within agreed extension of time) (STP16) – it was noted that there was a significant underperformance with this indicator and the Committee questioned what action was being undertaken to improve performance.  There had been a significant drop in performance which could have a reputational impact on the Council as failing to make decisions on time could lead to cost implications for non-determination.  In response, the Executive Director of Place and Economy advised that out of 28 decisions, 13 had not been taken in time.  The use of extensions of time had also been used too frequently.  We had low non-determination numbers, and the Executive Director would share outside of the meeting how much we had paid in costs.  In January 2024, a new flow process had been introduced to reduce the number of extensions of time.  NNC had inherited a backlog of applications and the government had put forward monies to accelerate the processing of this backlog, of which NNC had received around £100k. It needed to be recognised that this was a busy department, with 1500-2000 decisions made a year, however the need for improvement was recognised.  A Planning Transformation Manager had recently been recruited to accelerate the planning review and restructure. 


The restructure of Planning was welcomed and was needed to meet our ambition of being a first-choice employer.  We had lost a number of experienced staff and had we considered asking some of them to come back.  The Executive Director responded by advising that this would be factored into the work, and we would explore all options.


ii.       Number of people who were prevented from requiring statutory care, or whose need was reduced (AFL08) – it was noted that this target was consistently performing at around 74% all year, had specific measures been put in place to improve performance?  In response, the Executive Director of Adults, Health Partnerships and Housing advised that there had been a significant increase in demand and complexity. Support was also being made available on discharge from hospital.


iii.      Number of defects outstanding on the network (STP29) – with the increasing numbers of highways defects during the winter period, what measures were being taken to ensure timely repairs, particularly for high-risk defects?  In response, the Executive Director of Place and Economy advised that this indicator followed a pattern, with an increase in the winter months.  We were now moving into a period of proactive activity which would enable us to address the backlog.  However, it would then move again into more reactive  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Budget Forecast Update 2023/24 - Period 11 pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Presented By: Mark Dickenson - Assistant Director of Finance and Strategy

Additional documents:




To note the draft outturn report for 2023/214 as at Period 11.


The Assistant Director of Finance and Strategy presented the report which set out the draft outturn for 2023/24 as at Period 11.  The report set out the material financial issues which had been identified since the budget had been set in February 2023.


The forecast outturn position for the General Fund was an overspend of £11.900m and an overspend of £41k for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).  The Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) was forecasting a £9.509m overspend.


The Children’s Trust were forecasting an overspend of £32.540m, of which the cost to the Council was £14.370m.  The main pressure within the Children’s Trust related to placements for children in care.  If these pressures were not mitigated this would pose a significant financial risk to the Council.


During discussion on the report, the following key points were made:


i.        Members had been told that measures were being implemented to mitigate the significant financial pressures faced by the Children’s Trust, were these measures being delivered and how would the Council ensure that these pressures did not pose a continued significant financial risk?  The Interim Executive Director of Children’s Services advised that he would be happy to bring a paper to a future meeting on the Children’s Trust’s Transformation and Efficiency Board to provide an update on the projects being introduced within the Trust to mitigate the significant financial pressures they faced.


ii.       In response to a question about the recruitment of a permanent Executive Director of Children’s Services, the interim Executive Director advised that the interview process had now been completed and a successful candidate had been appointed.  An announcement on the appointment was expected later this week.


iii.      What specific measures were being taken to mitigate the forecasted overspend with the General Fund and the underspend in the Housing Revenue Account and how would the Council ensure that these variances did not significantly impact the delivery of essential services?  In response, the Executive Director of Adults, Health Partnerships and Housing advised that within adults, £8m of savings had been budgeted for and the directorate were currently on track to deliver £6m of those savings.  The Assistant Director of Finance and Strategy advised that the Council had recently introduced a Spending Management Panel and Recruitment Panel to ensure spending was efficient.


iv.      When would the earliest date be for the Children’s Trust to be brought back in-house?  The Interim Executive Director advised that the start of the process would be subject to receiving a good outcome in the next Ofsted local authority children’s services inspection but ultimately it would be a decision for the Department for Education.


v.       Officers were asked to provide an update on the delivery of the Council’s savings targets for the current financial year, highlighting which areas were facing challenges which would mean they would be unlikely to meet the targets.  The Assistant Director advised that proposed savings were set out in the report and totalled around £16.4m, with £10.8m delivered to date.


vi.      It was noted that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Agency Staff

Presented By: Democratic Services




That representatives of OPUS be invited to a future meeting.


The Use of Agency Staff through OPUS had been highlighted on the Committee’s Work Plan.  To move this work forward, it was proposed to invite representatives from OPUS to attend a future meeting to provide a presentation on what they delivered and to understand the framework in which they provided agency staff.  If necessary, a working party may be established following this presentation.




That representatives of OPUS be invited to a future meeting.


Scrutiny Work Plan for the Corporate Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Presented By: Democratic Services




To note the Scrutiny Work Plan as it relates to the Corporate Scrutiny Committee.


The Corporate Scrutiny Committee received the Scrutiny Work Plan as it related to the Committee. 




To note the Scrutiny Work Plan as it related to the Corporate Scrutiny Committee.


Close of Meeting


The Chair thanked members and officers for their attendance and closed the meeting.


The meeting closed at 8.40pm.