Venue: Council Chamber, Corby Cube, George Street, Corby, NN17 1QB
Contact: Carol Mundy
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Decision: Resolved to note that apologies for absence were received from Councillor Robin Carter, Zoe McGhee and Mark Pengelly. Councillor Valerie Anslow attended as a substitute.
Minutes: Resolved to note that apologies for absence were received from Councillors Robin Carter, Zoe McGhee and Mark Pengelly. Councillor Valerie Anslow was present as a substitute councillor.
Members' declarations of interest (if any) Decision: Resolved to note that no notifications to address the meeting had been received. Minutes: Resolved to note that no notifications to address the meeting had been received. |
Notification of requests to address the meeting (if any) Decision: Resolved to note that no declarations were made. Minutes: Resolved to note that no declarations were made. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 28 August 2024 PDF 125 KB Decision: The minutes of the meeting held on 27 August 2024 were received.
It was proposed by Councillor Coleman and seconded by Councillor Wilkes that the minutes be approved. On being put to the vote the motion was declared carried.
Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 27 August 2024 be signed and approved as an accurate record thereof. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 27 August 2024 were received.
It was proposed by Councillor Coleman and seconded by Councillor Wilkes that the minutes be approved. On being put to the vote the motion was declared carried.
Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 27 August 2024 be signed and approved as an accurate record thereof. |
Report - Highways Asset Management Policy & Strategy PDF 185 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved that Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee:
(i) Notes the content of the report and the Highways Asset Management documents appended thereto; (ii) The policy and strategy, with the minor comments of the committee, as detailed within the minutes, being incorporated, be presented to the Executive at its meeting on 16 January 2024.
Minutes: The circulated report of the Assistant Director of Highways and Waste, Graeme Kane, was received on the new highway asset management documents, which set out how the council will best manage the highway network, taking into consideration customer needs, local priorities, asset condition and best use of available resources and details the impact on future delivery of highway maintenance.
The Highway Asset Management Policy along with the Highway Asset Management Strategy were appended to the report.
The report was presented to committee by Mr Kane.
He explained that the council has a complex mix of assets to manage, including drainage, culverts, street lighting, signals, trees and verges as well as roads, pavements and rights of way. The attached policy detailed the council’s intention and commitment to adopt and maintain an asset management approach in the delivery of highway maintenance services, demonstrating how effective asset management supports the achievement of the strategic visions, objectives and commitments.
The strategy explained how the policy will be achieved to maximise available funding, and outlined the overall long term aims, explaining how the highway network will be maintained and what the expected outcomes will be.
In addition to the policy and strategy there will be a set of highways asset management plans for each key asset, explaining how the strategy will be applied. Such plans will set out agreed levels of service, performance targets, and the mechanisms for putting together forward programmes in the form of a three-year rolling annual plan.
He also explained that the policy and strategy documents reflect the guidance provided by the National Highways Maintenance Efficiency Programme and the code of practice for highway maintenance.
The current highways maintenance contract with Kier, began in September 2022 for an initial period of seven years, with opportunities for this to be extended depending on the performance of the contractor. The first extension can be awarded from April 2025 for one year. A further two single-year extensions can also be earned dependent on performance to increase the initial period of the contract to a total of 10 years. Further extensions, up to 14 years, can also be considered.
Kier deals with the asset management functions under the contract and a data and intelligence led approach to the management of the highway network has been developed.
Mr Kane also explained that the new documentation was an update of documents from the former county council, which had been used since vesting day. The new documents are more focused, with an intelligence-based approach to highway maintenance, centred around a preventative maintenance strategy for the council’s carriageway assets and officers have worked closely with Kier to draft the documents to ensure they align with the council’s requirements, with a view to establishing a robust approach. It is hoped that the council will be in a better position to be able to make informed decisions about investment in its highway infrastructure and on its future spending plans.
Both the policy and strategy seek to prioritise the available funding to ... view the full minutes text for item 71. |
Place & Environment Scrutiny Committee Workplan 2024-25 - to note PDF 180 KB Decision: Resolved that Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee note the workplan. The chair would discuss with officers and at the Scrutiny Management Board, the option to include an item on a future agenda in relation to Street Naming. Minutes: The circulated workplan for Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee was noted.
There were no additional items requested. The chair suggested that a report may come forward in relation to the Street naming Policy which had recently been approved by the Executive. This would be discussed further at the Scrutiny Management Board.
Resolved that the workplan be noted.
Close of meeting Decision: Resolved that there being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.55pm. Minutes: Resolved that there being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.55pm. |