Venue: Council Chamber, Swanspool House, Doddington Road, Wellingborough, NN8 1BP
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for non-attendance Minutes: Apologies for non-attendance were received from Councillors Gill Mercer and Steven North. Councillor K Harrison did not attend.
The chair extended the congratulations of the committee to Councillor Mercer on her appointment to the Executive and it was noted that she would no longer sit on this committee.
Minutes of the meeting held on 22 November 2023 PDF 106 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 22 November 2023 be approved and signed as a correct and accurate record of the meeting.
Members' Declarations of Interests (if any) Minutes:
The chair invited those members who wished to do so to declare any interests in respect of an item on the agenda.
Resolved that the following be noted:
NW/23/00526/FUL – Earls Barton Primary School Councillor Brown made a personal declaration as his Son attended Earls Barton Primary School.
Councillor Irwin stated that as a supply teacher, he could be deployed to Earls Barton Primary School.
Councillor Jackson informed the committee that he had visited both sites referenced on the agenda.
All confirmed that they came to the committee with an open mind.
NW/23/00526/FUL - Earls Barton Primary School, 1-5 Broad St, Earls Barton PDF 204 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The committee considered an application for the construction of a new teaching block comprising of five classrooms, relocation and enlargement of on-site staff car parking provision, formation of a new vehicular crossover to proposed car park from Churchill Road, removal of two mobile classrooms, minor alterations to existing KS1 and KS2 buildings to allow interface with new teaching block and associated landscaping and external works at Earls Barton Primary School.
Senior Development Management Officer, Chris Law, presented the report to committee, detailing the proposal, description of the site, the planning history, relevant planning policies, outcome of consultations and an assessment of the proposal, providing full and comprehensive details.
He referenced the committee update where one objector had withdrawn her objection after further consideration.
Regarding page 14, 5.10 NNC Ecology, he asked that it be noted that the Landscape Environmental Management Plan should cover the Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) of 30 years and not 20 years as shown in the report.
One request to address the committee had been received from Marie Lally the Head Teacher of Earls Barton Primary School.
She spoke in relation to the need for further classrooms and referenced the additional demand the school was facing with the housing developments in the village. There was also a need for a staff car park which would result in 35 spaces, an increase of 18, to that currently available. Mr Kulvinder Obhi was also present to answer any technical questions that the committee had.
The chair thanked the speaker and asked the committee if they wish to ask any questions of the speaker or Mr Obhi for the purpose of clarity.
No questions were raised.
The chair invited the committee to determine the application.
Members asked where, during the building stage, the containers would be stored as initially it had been mooted that these would be on the Library car park, with a loss of several spaces.
Mr Law clarified that the building work would be carried out in phases with the work on the car park included in the first phase, this would enable part of the car park to be used during the second phase of the building work.
Reference was made to the field where the car park would be located as it frequently flooded, and it was thought that there was an underground spring. A question was asked over where such water would drain too in the future.
Mr Law confirmed that there was a known issue with a broken drain and there were two conditions within the planning permission in relation to resolving this.
A question was asked about adequate provision for parents dropping off pupils who travelled to school by car.
Mr Law referenced the travel plan within the report but stated that such provision was not included within the plan.
Reference was made to the existing entrances in Broad Street and whether they would remain open. It was clarified that these were the main entrances to the school, used by many and ... view the full minutes text for item 43. |
Exempt Items Minutes: Resolved that under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 Part 1 Paragraph 5 that any press and public be asked to leave the meeting during discussion on the following item.
NE/23/00321/FUL - 1 Scarborough Street, Irthlingborough, NN9 5TT
The committee considered the exempt report relating to an application for planning permission for the conversion of the former working men’s club at 1 Scarborough Street. Irthlingborough, into eight two-bedroom apartments and five one-bedroom apartments, with change of use from Sul Generis (formerly A4) drinking establishment to C3 residential.
The application was the subject of an appeal against non-determination lodged with the Planning Inspectorate and therefore committee would not be able to determine the application.
The chair permitted Councillor Maxwell, as ward councillor, to address the meeting.
Members discussed the report and raised questions and concerns.
The chair invited members to consider the officer recommendation within the report, that had the local planning authority retained the power to make the decision, such decision would have been to grant the application, subject to conditions and the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement.
The motion was proposed by Councillor Mercer and seconded by Councillor Irwin and on being put to the vote this was declared carried with six votes in favour, two against and one abstention.
The chair asked members if they agreed to making such decision available to the Planning Inspector as part of the appeal. Members were concerned that this decision had been made confidentially and that it would now be made available and asked for advice from the monitoring or legal officer.
Mr Bell, Legal Adviser, confirmed that the minutes would only give a summary of the discussion and the decision, that had it still been in the local authority’s power to make, would be provided to the Planning Inspectorate to assist in the appeal process.
It was proposed by Councillor Irwin and seconded by Councillor Brown that the information be provided. On being put to the vote there were seven votes in favour and two against.
Resolved that:
(i) had the local planning authority retained the power to make a decision, such decision would have been to grant the application, subject to conditions and the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement. (ii) The Planning Inspectorate be informed of the above.
Close of meeting Minutes: There being no further business the chair closed the meeting at 7.55pm. |