Venue: Virtual meeting, via Zoom
Contact: Callum Galluzzo Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Joseph Smyth. |
Members declarations of interest Minutes: The chair asked members to declare any interests on items present on the agenda.
No declarations were registered.
Minutes of the meeting held on 7th September 2023 Minutes: RESOLVED that:-
The minutes of the meeting held on 7th September 2023 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Members received a report which sought to update members on the Special Education, needs and Disability (SEND) services and provided specificity around the Education, Health and Care (EHC) team.
Members noted that there continued to be a high volume of requests for statutory systems which is placing pressure across the system. SEND services needed to continue to invest in early help services to support emerging needs as they present themselves to support children and their families at earlier stages of their SEND journey.
It was noted that the local authority continued to invest in earlier preventative support in the form of outreach and early help support to mainstream schools. There was continued improvement of engagement with the sector including half termly Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) meetings, SENCO conferences and meet the team parent events. There had also been recent training from the EHC team on the phased transfer process and annual reviews and these have been well attended by the sector.
Permanent recruitment within the Education, Health and Care team was underway and it was noted that this would provide the service with much needed stability and enable them to continue to develop and improve services. A re-organisation of roles within the service will also improve communication. The SEND services continued to invest in opportunities to expand specialist provision. They also continued to look for opportunities to bid for new special schools.
Members then heard that the EHC service had been under close monitoring with the development of the Children’s Services Performance Report. On a monthly basis the data was circulated, and service leads were invited to provide commentary. This report was then discussed in Children’s Services monthly Improvement Board. Whilst data demonstrated that the performance with meeting 20 week timescales is high, there were other factors to consider. Due to the timeliness of advices (from Educational Psychology, social care and a range of health services) this often lead to finalising the plan by naming a type of provision as opposed to an actual school name.
Following debate it was,
RESOLVED That the Executive Advisory Panel notes the update with regards to SEND services and the EHC Team |
Wilby CE VA Primary School Relocation to the Glenvale Park Development, Wellingborough Minutes: Members received a report which sought to inform the Executive Advisory Panel following a 30-day public consultation with regards to the Wilby CE VA Primary School Relocation to the Glenvale Park Development, Wellingborough.
It was noted that consultation was hosted on the Council’s Consultation and Engagement Hub and commenced 5th September 2023 and concluded on 5th October 2023. The public consultation was supported by the Council’s Consultation and Engagement Team. The structure and design of the consultation set out the proposal and enabled both online and non-digital means of participation, in accordance with nationally recognised good practice. The consultation was published on the local BBC News website, sent to Councillors, Teaching and Support Staff Union Representatives, local members of parliament, town and parish Councils, partner organisations, members of the Council’s Consultation Register, and with members of the North Northamptonshire Residents’ Panel who resided within the local area.
Members noted that in total, 202 respondents filled out a questionnaire either partially or fully and 2 respondents submitted a written response.
The Summary of responses were noted as follows:-
· Respondents were asked to what extent they support or propose the proposal; there were 160 responses to this question, two thirds (63.1%) said they strongly support or tend to support the proposal and one third (33.8%) said they strongly oppose or tend to oppose the proposal.
· When comparing the responses to this question to the different types of respondents; 66 respondents who identified themselves as either a pupil or parent/carer/guardian of a pupil of responded as follows: 58.2% supported the proposal and 40.0% opposed the proposal.
· In summarising the responses from 18 members of staff of Wilby CE VA Primary and the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), a total of 92.3% supported the proposal. Of all the other respondents 61.2% supported the proposal and 33.7% opposed the proposal.
· Respondents were invited to share their feedback on why they felt the proposal would have a positive impact; a total of 103 respondents responded and nearly three quarters expressed their general support. A small number shared feedback relating to concerns over transport/or safe routes to the new school, with one reference to an assurance being made regarding free school transport to the school for pupils.
· Respondents were also invited to share whether they felt the proposal would have any negative impacts, there were 74 responses. Almost half of the responses were in relation to the heart of the village and the community life being taken away as a result of the relocation. A third of responses related to the additional travel and adding additional vehicles to the current traffic and alongside this was a quarter of responses with concerns regarding the environment with the additional traffic on the road/safety concerns for children with a perception of no safe walking routes to Glenvale Park from Wilby.
The Executive were to be invited at their meeting on the 16th November 2023 to reflect on the outcome of the formal consultation when considering the request for approval ... view the full minutes text for item 33. |
Forward List of Items for the EAP Minutes: The following items were agreed for the January 2024 meeting:
RESOLVED that: the Executive Advisory Panel Future Communities agreed Future items for its meetings.
Close of Meeting Minutes: There being no further business, the Chair thanked Members and Officers for their attendance and closed the meeting. |