Agenda and draft minutes

EAP Future Communities - Thursday 7th September, 2023 5.00 pm

Venue: Virtual meeting, via Zoom

Contact: Callum Galluzzo  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Phillip Irwin, Macaulay Nichol and Lee Wilkes.


Members declarations of interest


The chair asked members to declare any interests on items present on the agenda.


No declarations were registered.



Minutes of the meeting held on 13th July 2023 pdf icon PDF 91 KB




The minutes of the meeting held on 13th July 2023 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Sustainable Modes of Travel to School Strategy (SMOTS) pdf icon PDF 157 KB

Additional documents:


Members received a report which sought to provide members of the Executive Advisory Panel with an update on the progress of the Sustainable Travel to Education Strategy.


It was heard that the Education and Inspections Act (2006) placed a range of duties upon local authorities to promote the use of sustainable travel and transport, intended to support the choices and flexibility of educational provision across the country. The Act outlined four main elements to promoting sustainable modes of travel, including the assessment and audit of sustainable travel options within the local authority, the development of a strategy for the promotion of sustainable travel to schools and other educational or training facilities.  As such, North Northamptonshire Council was required to produce and publish its Sustainable Modes of Travel to School Strategy (SMoTS) annually.


Members heard that the proposal would assist the Council in meeting the priorities including:


Better, Brighter Futures


·       Supporting schools to provide physical activity programmes through our Healthier Schools Programme.

·       Supporting schools to provide physical activity programmes through our Healthier Schools Programme.

·       Safe and Thriving Places

·       Enable people to travel across North Northamptonshire and beyond


Green, sustainable Environment


·       Promote sustainable, active travel

·       Embed low carbon technology, sustained and improved green infrastructure, and sustainable forms of transport fit for the future.


Members then heard that the proposal would assist the Council in developing and delivering The Council’s Local Transport Plan, which the Council has a statutory duty to deliver. As well as the Carbon Management Plan in reducing the carbon impact of travel to education.


It was noted that the current strategy for North Northamptonshire was the Northamptonshire SMoTS, adopted by the former County Council in 2014/15. It was proposed that the Sustainable Travel to Education Strategy be consulted on for six weeks from 14th September until 26th October 2023 to allow the community and in particularly the school community to comment on the strategy.


Following debate it was:


RESOLVED            that Executive Advisory Panel (EAP) note the proposals                               to be submitted to Executive requesting the approval of                               the Sustainable Modes of Transport Strategy.


Wilby CE VA Primary School Relocation to the Glenvale Park Development, Wellingborough pdf icon PDF 170 KB

Additional documents:


Members received a report which sought to inform the Executive Advisory Panel of the outcome of the expression of interest, interview and selection process and to inform the Executive Advisory Panel of the outcome of the formal public consultation following the interview panel's recommendation.


It was noted that as part of the expressions of interest application process there was a requirement for the applicants to clearly set out how any move would support the existing school community as well as those living in the new Glenvale Park development. Two expressions of interest were received and a robust interview process took place lead by a panel of representatives. 


A formal 30-day public consultation was undertaken in September 2023, following the panel's recommendation that Wilby CE VA Primary should be the school that relocates to the Glenvale Site. 


Following debate it was


RESOLVED            that the Executive Advisory Panel (EAP) noted the proposals to be submitted to Executive requesting the approval to relocate Wilby CE VA Primary School to the Glenvale Park site.





The Establishment of a North Northamptonshire Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE)

Additional documents:


Members received a report which sought to update the Executive Advisory Panel on proposals for the establishment of a North Northamptonshire Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE).


It was noted by members that there was currently a SACRE serving the whole of Northamptonshire and that every local authority had a duty to establish a permanent body known as the  Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) in accordance with the Education Act 1996.


The report set out a proposal to establish a specific North Northamptonshire SACRE to reflect the change to a unitary authority.  A North Northamptonshire

SACRE would:


·       Fulfil SACRE statutory duties operating as North Northamptonshire unitary authority;

·       Ensure that SACRE membership is reflective of the local communities, religions and beliefs in North Northamptonshire; and

·       Ensure the best outcomes for all children by collaboratively engaging with schools in North Northamptonshire to facilitate high quality Religious Education (RE) and collective worship, suitably tailored to specific locality strengths and areas for improvement where appropriate.

Members commented on the need to ensure that the proposed North Northamptonshire SACRE and any SACRE representing West Northamptonshire work closely and collaboratively to ensure the most effective use of resources.


Following debate it was:


RESOLVED            that the Executive Advisory Panel (EAP) the proposals to be submitted to Executive requesting the approval of the establishment of a North Northamptonshire SACRE.







School Effectiveness Update


Members were presented with a school effectiveness update including inspection outcomes for the end of July 2023 and headline pupil outcomes across North Northamptonshire for the end of July 2023.


It was noted that the data presented to the Executive Advisory Panel was not validated and would not be validated until the Autumn Term.


Members heard that in relation to inspections for July 2023 the England average for all schools percentage of good or outstanding was set at 88.7%. North Northamptonshire schools are averaged at 85.1% representing a 3.6% gap but also representing a 6.4% increase for North Northamptonshire compared to July 2022 inspection result. For All Primaries the England average was 90% with North Northamptonshire averaging 84.7% but representing a 7.2% increase from 2022. For all Secondaries the England average was 81.45 with North Northamptonshire averaging at 81.4%, a 5% increase from July 2022. 


Members heard that in relation to Good Level of Development (GLD) at the end of reception year the national average was 67.3% with North Northamptonshire figuring totalling 67.3% however this represented a 4% increase in 2023 from the previous year representing a significant improvement. It was heard that targeted work had been undertaken with schools who fell below national. Data relating to the north Northamptonshire locality were also provided.


Members then heard that in relation to Year 1 Phonics the England average outcome was at 81% which was a 5% increase since 2022, in comparison North Northamptonshire outcomes were at 76.8% however it was stated that this represented a 5% increase from 2022. With regards to national Key Stage 1 Reading, Writing and Maths (RWN) combined outcome for 2023 the national average was at 56% where the pupils had achieved expected in all three areas. The North Northamptonshire average in comparison was 52.8% representing a 3% increase from the previous year.


Members heard that the national Key Stage 2 Reading, Writing and Maths (RWN) combined outcome for 2023 the national average was at 59% where the pupils had achieved expected in all three areas. The North Northamptonshire average in comparison was 55.5%. It was further noted that the national RWM percentage remained unchanged as had the North Northants percentage.


Members then heard regarding Key Stage 4 and 5, early indications of data based on 14 of 20 secondary schools in North Northamptonshire showed that 63% of students had attained 4+ score in English & Maths. It was noted that this data was likely to change and that exam/marking adjustments had revised to pre covid-19 arrangements. It was noted that further data would be presented to the Executive Advisory Panel once the data had been collected and finalised.


It was then noted that the education team would continue to use data to inform targeted work with schools making best practise common practise as well as targeted work on reviewing curriculum impact facilitating rapid improvement of pupil outcomes by the end of 2024.

Other priorities included:


·       A Phonics and Reading Focus

·       Co-producing a partnership vision for education.

·       Engaging  ...  view the full minutes text for item 26.


Forward List of Items for the EAP pdf icon PDF 67 KB


The following items were agreed for the November meeting:

  • Educational Healthcare Plans and Early Years Update
  • Speech and Language Provision
  • Analysis of LEA School Examination Results


RESOLVED that:  the Executive Advisory Panel Future Communities agreed

Future items for its meetings.



Close of Meeting


There being no further business, the Chair thanked Members and Officers for their attendance and closed the meeting.