Agenda and draft minutes

EAP Active Communities - Friday 29th November, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, The Cube, George St, Corby NN17 1QG

Contact: David Pope 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from the co-Chair, Cllr Gill Mercer as well as Cllrs Ken Harrington and Geoff Shacklock.



Declarations of Interest


Councillor Roberts declared an interest as he is a Trustee of the Citizens Advice Bureau.



Minutes of the meeting held on 4th October 2024 pdf icon PDF 99 KB




The minutes of the meeting held on 4th October 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


NNC Active Communities Strategy 2024-2029 pdf icon PDF 5 MB

Additional documents:


The Assistant Director of Housing and Communities presented the first of three Strategies for Active Communities. The purpose of the Strategy was to set out a vision and strategic outcomes over the next five years.  


The strategy would draw on the demography, community and stakeholder engagement as well as other key data to establish the key themes which Active Communities would be developed.


·       Healthy Communities

·       Connected Communities

·       Thriving Communities

·       Green Communities



The Assistant Director Housing and Communities gave an in-depth explanation of the methodology of the strategy, explaining that the objective was to get as many stakeholders as possible to engage. Barriers were an issue with inactive residents, and they needed to be encouraged to join in, the nearer to the activity the more likely they would be to join.


Understanding North Northamptonshire was key, particularly its demographic, Health profile and  reviewing LAP data and understanding differences across the council’s area.


The standard of venues was a high priority for the council, all facilities needed to be used but some were in a poor state of repair.


An Active Communities Partnership had been set up, its aim to co-ordinate North Northamptonshire’s contribution towards the overall system-wide Move Northamptonshire framework.


Sport England’s Uniting the Movement strategy had committed to work in areas of greatest need, tackling inactivity levels and the associated inequalities. The Sport England Place Partnership programme had selected Northamptonshire in the first phase of new partnerships, led locally by Active Partnership (Northamptonshire Sport). The two Local Authorities along with Integrated Care System and VCSE sector would form two of Sport England’s new Place Partnerships covering four Priority Areas, in the North Northamptonshire area they are:


·       Kingswood, Corby

·       Lodge Park, Corby

·       Queensway, Wellingborough


The Assistant Director asked if Councillors would provide feedback on what residents in their wards would like to see in the way of activities.


Cllr Helen Howell (Chair) thanked the officers and MAX Associates for a very full and informative Strategy and explained that the other two strategies would bring this all together.


Cllr Paul Marks commented that people say they cannot get into town, it was necessary to get people to be positive.


Officers emphasised that they wanted people to be active, encouraging families to be active as a group. Case studies had been undertaken encouraging older people to get active and this had proved to be very positive.


Cllr John McGhee acknowledged the excellent document and congratulated the officers. He said there was good support in his ward, but it was slowing, more help for families was required, noting  personal reasons could restrict participation. Cllr McGhee queried that if the Council gathered information, how often would this need to be done and who would receive this information.


The Assistant Director assured Cllr McGhee that Kingswood ward would continue to be supported. As far as feedback from Councillors was concerned, this was something that was still be worked out.


Cllr John McGhee also raised the issue of obesity, noting that lifespans for residents in Corby were  ...  view the full minutes text for item 82.


Forward Plan December 24 - March 25 pdf icon PDF 191 KB


The Executive Forward Plan for October 2024 to January 2025 was noted.



Forward List of Items for the EAP pdf icon PDF 110 KB


The forward list of items for the EAP was considered and noted.


Cllr Helen Howell (Chair) requested that two items from the Executive Forward Plan be brought to the next meeting LCWIP and H&W Board Strategy.



Close of Meeting


There being no further business, the Chair thanked Members and Officers for their attendance and closed the meeting.