Venue: Council Chamber, The Cube, George St, Corby NN17 1QG
Contact: Pauline Brennan Email:
No. | Item |
Chair's Announcements Minutes: None on this occasion. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Chris Smith-Haynes and Helen Howell. |
Members' Declarations of Interests Minutes: None on this occasion. |
Minutes of the meetings held on 9th December 2022 and 3rd February 2023 Minutes: The minutes of the EAP meetings held on 9th December 2022 and 3rd February 2023 had been circulated.
RESOLVED that: - The minutes of 9th December 2022 and 3rd February 2023 be approved. |
Drug and Alcohol Services in Northamptonshire Additional documents:
Minutes: Chair advised that the EAP were going to be looking at drugs,
treatment and recoveryservices in
Northamptonshire and look at how to develop that policy going
forward. There had been a considerable amount of work done in the last year since theGovernment’s new policy on tackling drugs was released.Susan Hamilton, who is interim Director of Public Health, Shirley Plenderleith, AssistantDirector of Public Health and Mike Bridges, Public Health Consultant who had beenleading on the drugs and alcohol work primarily for North Northamptonshire.
lead responsibility for commissioning drug and alcohol treatment
and supportservices rest with local
authorities. Investment into treatment and support services
isthrough the public health grant. Currently
the commissioning for drugs and alcoholtreatment and support services is led by the West Northants on
behalf of bothNorthamptonshire Councils with
an annual spend of £7.09m. The
new national drug and alcohol strategy was "from harm to hope",
this includedadditional funding for drug and
alcohol treatment and recovery systems, from 2023
to2025, Family Hubs, Youth Offer, Levelling
up initiatives, Community WellbeingForums to
inform and help shape the strategic priorities, Local Area
Partnerships toprovide better engagement
leading to better service design and a National drug
andalcohol workforce development programme by
Health Education England (HEE) tosupport
retention, quality and capability. Councillor Harrison asked if the SSMTRG grant was extra grant
money on top of whatthere already was. Mike
Bridges explained that recognition had prompted extra
budgetwhich would allow enhancement and
improvement as well as workforce capacity. Susan Hamilton (Director of Public Health) confirmed that
additional activity hadprompted the
additional funding and in terms of percentage increase it
wasconsiderable. The Assistant Director of
Public Health (Shirley Plenderleith) advisedthat they were looking for a steer from the EAP as to how they
would like to moveforward. David Watts asked how this could be twin tracked and move really into that entity ofeducational approach whilst money was available and because we will not always havemoney, he had been in local government long enough to know that, secondly it was reallyabout the hard to reach people.
Mike Bridges explained that there was a specific criterion on how this grant was spent.It was agreed that if you identify people sooner, if you get that special support earlier,we do have quite a good opportunity here to look at our path and see where we canpick people up in a systematic way ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
Service Showcase Minutes: David Watts explained that this was
to focus on areas and bring in Assistant
Directorsto outline what work was being done, these would not be
completed articles, it was toallow the EAP to provide feedback on
what was wanted. Councillor Harrison suggested one item per meeting be presented so that a gooddiscussion could be had. There would be one meeting per year that brought thesmaller items for discussion.
Shirley Plenderleith said that this session had been really helpful. |
Minutes: Forward Plan would be populated by both Chairs and David Watts. |
Additional documents: Minutes: This would be included on the next Agenda. |
Close of Meeting Minutes: Meeting closed at 11:55am. |