Venue: Swanspool House, Wellingborough, Northants, NN8 1BP
Contact: Carol Mundy
No. | Item |
Election of chair for the meeting Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Shacklock and seconded by Councillor Pandey that Councillor Ekins be appointed as the chair for the meeting.
Resolved that Councillor Ekins be the chair of the meeting.
Apologies for absence Minutes: Resolved to note there were no apologies. |
Declarations of Interest (if any) Minutes: Resolved to note that there were no declarations made. |
Presented By: Rita Groves. Licensing Enforcement Officer Additional documents:
Minutes: The report of the Assistant Director of Regulatory Services, Iain Smith, was received to determine an application for a full variation to the premises licence for The White Hart Tavern, High Street, Corby, Northants, NN17 1UX.
The chair welcomed all in attendance to the meeting and the panel and officers introduced themselves.
The licensing enforcement officer on behalf of North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) presented the report to the sub-committee. The report detailed that an application for a variation of the premises licence for The White Hart Tavern had been received and published for statutory consultation.
Representations had been received from residents, relating to the potential for public nuisance caused by noise and crime and disorder caused by possible anti-social behaviour.
During the consultation period, one representation had been received from the Police, concerning the conditions on the licence, the Police requested their model conditions be attached to the premises licence, which was accepted by the applicants, and they withdrew their objection.
A local resident submitted a representation concerning the operating hours. Following consultation with the applicants, the applicants offered 02.00 hours finish which the objector accepted, so the objector withdrew their representation.
The licensing enforcement officer advised the sub-committee that the applicant no long required a variation to the Licence in relation to outdoor music for the garden area and intended to rely on the provisions available within the Live Music Act 2012.
The issues and choices for the sub-committee to consider in determining the matter were detailed in the report.
The chair thanked Mrs Groves for her report.
The chair invited the applicant representative Mrs McClintock to address the meeting. Her Father Mr Hipkiss spoke on her behalf.
Representations of Applicant Mr Mark Hipkiss read a statement prepared by the applicant. The statement detailed that the applicant runs the White Hart Tavern, and that this is also a family home to her and her six children. The statement detailed the ambition of the business, to create a family pub and restaurant that will be a benefit to the village and local community.
The White Hart hosts regular events to contribute to the local community including an annual veterans breakfast, providing 10 Christmas dinners for free, contributing vouchers to local raffles, hosting local fundraisers, supporting local events such as the recent Highland Gathering and raising money to support the Corby Old Village Neighbourhood Association to build a new play park in the Old Village.
Personal investment had been made by the applicant to renovate the premises but the increasing costs of running a pub and restaurant meant it could face closure in the next six months, creating 20-30 job losses.
Addressing an incident in May 2024 the applicant expressed how this had been an isolated matter. There had been no other reports of anti-social behaviour or crime and disorder made at the premises. The White Hart was unfortunate in that that they were the selected pub by the perpetrators of the incident. The applicant detailed that she had sustained broken ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Close of business Minutes: Resolved that there being no further business the chair close the sub-committee meeting at 10.30am. |