Venue: Council Chamber, Swanspool House, Wellingborough, Northants, NN8 1BP
Contact: Carol Mundy
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Resolved to note that there were no apologies for absence.
The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and those present introduced themselves. He explained the process for the meeting.
Members' Declarations of Interest Minutes: Resolved to note that there were no declarations of interest. |
Review of Premises Licence Additional documents:
Minutes: The circulated report of the Assistant Director of Regulatory Services was received to consider an application by Northamptonshire Police for a summary review of the premises licence for Quality Food 4 You, trading as Braces News, 99-101 Montagu Street, Kettering.
Mr Howell, Licensing & Service Support Manager, presented the report to the committee, explaining the actions that the council could take as follows:
· Modification of the conditions of the premises licence; · Exclusion of a licensable activity from the scope of the licence; · Removal of the designated premises supervisor from the licence; · Suspension of the licence for a period not exceeding three months · Revocation of the licence.
He provided background information to the committee and explained that an application for summary review had been received from Northamptonshire Police which had resulted in an interim steps hearing being held on 29 November to consider the application. The decision made at that committee had been to implement an interim step to suspend the premises licence pending the full review to be held on 21 December 2023 having been satisfied that there was evidence of serious crime or serious violence as stipulated in the Home Officer guidance.
Subsequently Northamptonshire Police had received further information from trading standards that there had been a miscalculation of the number of cigarettes seized and the figure was considerably less than had initially been reported. A further summary review was held on 15 December resulting in the suspension of the licence being lifted until this full hearing took place.
The chair asked the trading standards officer to explain the process involved in checking a premise.
She clarified that test purchases had taken place with a request made for cheap cigarettes, which had been provided by the shop worker, who had disappeared to the rear of the shop. On leaving the premises, the trading standards officer had clarified that the test purchase had resulted in them being offered cheap cigarettes to purchase and as such an investigation was carried out by Northamptonshire Police.
PC Bryan clarified that on visiting the premises to investigate further, neither the licence holder or designated premises supervisor were present on site. Two staff members were present, and he had investigated further and found a ‘hide’ in the kitchen area behind a cupboard, which was opened using a remote-control key, there was a light which illuminated the content, which contained numerous packets of cigarettes which were seized by trading standards. The quality and build of the cupboard were relatively new and the front of the cupboard was empty.
This find resulted in a request to the licensing authority for revocation on the basis that the premises had been used for criminal purposes.
The Police had also raised concern over the lack of a DPS at the premises and no proper staffing controls over the sale of either alcohol or cigarettes.
The chair invited councillors to ask any questions of clarification at this stage of the process. None were raised.
Mr Craig representing the licence holder was asked ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Close of meeting |