Agenda and draft minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday 22nd February, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Municipal Offices, Bowling Green Road, Kettering, NN15 7QX

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Members' Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were made.


Licensing Act 2003 - Summary Review of Premises Licence - Interim Measures pdf icon PDF 99 KB

Presented By: Samantha Edmunds

Additional documents:


The Licensing Sub-Committee considered the report of the Assistant Director of Regulatory Services requesting that the Sub-Committee consider if any interim steps were required following an application by Northamptonshire Police for a summary review of the premises licence for the Brooklyn Bar, Ebenezer Place, Kettering.


An application for summary review of the premises licence by Northamptonshire Police had been received at 11.17am on Tuesday 21 February 2023. 


The summary review process was an expedited process within the Licensing Act 2003 where there must be evidence of serious crime or serious violence or both.  The process had two stages, an initial interim steps consideration which must be carried out within 48 hours of the application being received followed by a formal review hearing within 28 days of the application.


At the invitation of the Chair, PC David Bryan of Northamptonshire Police, presented his application for a summary review.  He advised that since 1 January 2023, there had been nine assaults reported at the premises.  PC Bryan explained the background to each of the assaults, one of which resulted in the DPS being under investigation and being on police bail.  The DPS also appeared to have been engaged in the activities of a door supervisor without legally holding an SIA licence which would allow him to do so.  He also appeared to be acting in a way which breached the police bail conditions that were imposed upon him. 


At the invitation of the Chair, the Sub-Committee asked questions of PC Bryan.  Councillor Anne Lee advised that she had seen on social media that the premises had been advertised as being open until 11am on 1 January, when the licence stated that the premises would close at 5.30am.  PC Bryan advised that the DPS had stated that he believed that he could operate under a 36 hours licence on New Year’s Eve, however this was a specific allowance for the Millennium and had since been deregulated by the Licensing Act 2003.


The Chair noted that the assault on 28 January had been reported by Council CCTV operators and enquired whether they had witnessed the actual assault.  PC Bryan advised that he would need to confirm what had been witnessed at the full review, however the victim was being uncooperative.  He also confirmed that he was not aware whether the door staff were wearing body cams.  However, there was a CCTV camera outside of the building which looked directly at the door of the premises.


PC Bryan was invited to sum up his application.  He advised that on Monday of this week, eight windows at the premises had been smashed.  This, along with the incidents, showed that there was a pattern of behaviour at the premises and he would recommend that the premises licence be suspended for 28 days pending a full review.


The meeting adjourned at 2.25pm and reconvened at 2.50pm.




1.         To suspend the premises licence for Brooklyn Bar Kettering Limited for 28 days with immediate effect.

2.         To suspend Mr  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Close of Sub-Committee meeting


The meeting closed at 2.55pm.