Venue: Council Chamber, Corby Cube, George Street, Corby, NN17 1QG
Contact: David Pope
No. | Item | |||||||||||
Apologies for absence |
Members' Declarations of Interest |
Notifications of requests to address the meeting |
Performance Indicator Report 2024/25 (Period 6 - September / Q2 2024-25) PDF 188 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
That the Executive noted the performance of the Council as measured by the available indicators as at Period 6 (September / Q2) 2024/25, set out within Appendices A, B and C to the report and provided feedback as appropriate.
Reason for Recommendations: To better understand and keep track of the Council’s performance as measured by KPIs as at Period 6 (September/ Q2) 2024/25 so that performance can be managed as necessary.
Alternative Options Considered: Reporting performance data on a less frequent basis is an option. We have taken this option in part, by only formally reporting to Executive quarterly throughout 2024-25, whilst sharing monthly reports to members. Monthly reporting is useful whilst the Council continues to develop |
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
Extension of the Burial Reservation Policy and Fee PDF 230 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
Alternative Options Considered: The Council could choose to retain the status quo and keep the current position and therefore different policies would continue to apply at different cemeteries which would:
· impact on the management of cemeteries and planning for the future. · unfairly affect residents wishing to reserve burial plots in the Kettering area
The Council could choose to remove the current Burial Reservation Policy in place in the former Kettering legacy area in its entirety which would:
· impact on the management of cemeteries and planning for the future. · potentially shorten the life of the cemeteries requiring additional capital investment in delivering new extensions and new cemeteries ahead of time.
There is also an additional option which could be considered, and which was not consulted on or discussed with Scrutiny which is, the Council could choose not to allow individual(s) to reserve any burial plot which,
· would impact on the management of cemeteries and planning for the future by ensuring that plots are used in turn and empty plots are no longer accrued · would potentially extend the life of the cemeteries managing additional capital investment in delivering new extensions and new cemeteries. · would offer a level base for all residents wishing to be buried in a cemetery. · Would remove the need for additional administration required for the management of reserved plots. · May lead to complaints from users who would have an expectation that they could reserve plots as has been the case previously.
Application of Lawn Cemetery Regulations to the new extension at Shire Lodge Cemetery PDF 359 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
That the Executive reviewed and agreed:
a) The application of the Regulations and operational changes relating to the use of the new Shire Lodge Extension, Corby.
b) The new extension area of the cemetery to be run and kept as a Lawn Cemetery
c) The new area to comprise of single depth new graves only.
d) Synergise the opening hours so that all North Northamptonshire cemeteries offer the same provision.
Reasons for Recommendations:
a) A lawn cemetery is a cemetery where only headstone memorials are installed. They are installed by families in a defined headstone border, within which mementos are permitted. There are no additions to the grave outside the headstone border, meaning the cemetery has a formal, orderly and peaceful appearance. The management of the grounds as a lawn cemetery will make the most efficient use of space within the cemetery, of which there is a finite amount. The layout also brings a sense of order and peace for families and provides a more efficient and effective layout in terms of maintenance and future planting to enhance the overall environment.
b) The digging of single depth graves takes into the account the difficult ground conditions and compliance with safe practice with respect to health and safety which benefits both staff and visitors.
c) The simplification of the opening hours to match the hours across other North Northamptonshire cemeteries brings the benefits of removing the likelihood of slips, trips and falls, and other potential accidents in a low-lit environment, reduces the opportunities for antisocial behaviour as the site will be secured before dark and finally, the simplification of opening hours will make the messaging to users easier and consistent across the Council’s cemetery grounds. |
North Northamptonshire Council Housing Compliance Policy PDF 158 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
Planning Advisory Service Peer Review Update PDF 255 KB Additional documents: Decision:
Children’s Office and Care Accommodation Capital Development PDF 244 KB Additional documents:
Options Appraisal for Operations Delivery at Chelveston Operating Centre 2025 onwards PDF 196 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED
Reason for Recommendations – This option fulfils the Council’s ambition to have a consistent waste collection and street-cleaning service delivered through an in-house model. It will enable the Council to seek internal efficiencies between the teams to assist with offsetting the increased demand, and cost, for delivering the services to a growing population.
Alternative Options Considered –
Extend the contract for a period up to 7 years (at any intervals mutually agreed with the contractor): The provider has indicated that they would be interested in any extension between 2-7 years. This would result in having one operating area delivered through a contracted model whilst all other areas are delivered through an in-house service. In terms of implementation, this option requires the least resource to deliver and presents the fewest operational risks to the Council as the service would be uninterrupted and continue as currently. Most of the existing fleet could be run for a further two years, with increased maintenance costs, and the procurement of some specialist vehicles for food waste and street cleaning. Any longer extension would require new fleet for waste collections. The contractor would be willing to amend the routes to blend them with NNC’s other operating centres to maximise the efficiency across the area e.g. they could take on some areas in the Wellingborough area and give up some to the Corby area.
Re-procure for a new external supplier: This option is not possible to deliver within the required timescale. A short extension of two years of the existing contract would enable the Council to carry out this exercise across all service areas to procure a single provider. This would enable the Council to determine whether the service can be provided more cost effectively by an external provider than the in-house service. It would also be possible to undertake this option in the future, once all service areas were operating within the in-house model.
Transfer the service to new, wholly owned Council company: This option is not possible to deliver within the required timescale. A short extension of two years of the existing contract would enable the Council to assess this option, and if advantageous, look to implement it across all its service areas. It would also be possible to undertake this option in the future, once all service areas were operating within the in-house model.
Household Support Fund Extension PDF 345 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
That the Executive endorsed the Regulation 11 Notice for the submission of a delivery plan to the DWP by 1st November 2024 for the Household Support Fund 5 secure funding for those affected by the cost-of-living crisis.
In addition to this, the Executive :
a) Delegated authority to the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Executive Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing to redistribute any funds that have not been assigned or committed to by 31st March 2025 for:
i. Final contribution for Warm Spaces ii. Specific funding to include access to wider essentials and energy support i.e. sanitary and hygiene essentials to be distributed via foodbanks or Family Hubs iii. Contribution to grant holders from HSF4 to assist with additional pressures from the winter support
Reasons for Recommendations:
a) The proposal in Table 3, Section 6.5, sets a clear approach for how the funds will be used to mitigate the impact on residents who have previously received holiday support for children eligible for Free School Meals.
b) Cessation of holiday support will be aligned with the start of the financial year given the uncertainty of any future iterations of the Household Support Fund, making it clearer for residents to understand the timings of ongoing support coming to a natural end.
c) Holiday support is aligned with the previous support provided by the Council through the previous iterations of the Household Support Fund.
d) The provision of vouchers rather than cash to support with food and essential costs via an online application and eligibility assessment process, reduces the risk of fraud and duplicate claims.
e) Financial support will be available for additional energy costs through the winter when energy usage increases.
f) Current frameworks, processes, eligibility criteria and online application forms can be used with some minor modifications to deliver the recommendations in Table 3, Section 6.5, ensuring support is delivered in accordance with the time restrictions for the fund to end of March 2025.
Alternative Options Considered: The table below outlines a number of alternative options which have been considered, however, have been discounted due to the implications to vulnerable families and reputational risk to the Council.
Table 1 – Summary of Alternative Options
Northamptonshire Safeguarding Adults Board (NSAB) Annual Report 2023/2024 PDF 170 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
That the Executive:
a) Received the NSAB Annual Report 2023-2024 as approved by the NSAB Strategic Board at Appendix A.
b) Acknowledged the contribution that North Northamptonshire Council has made in supporting NSAB’s achievements in keeping adults safe from harm.
Reason for Recommendations – The report provides assurance to the Executive of the activities undertaken to help safeguard adults across North Northamptonshire.
Alternative Options Considered - As the DASS has already approved the report, and it is the intention to present the report to the Executive prior to publication on the NSAB website |
Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) Annual report 2023-2024 PDF 136 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED
That the Executive received and approved the SACRE annual report for 2023-2024.
Reasons for Recommendation: To ensure that the following SACRE duties are met:
· To publish an annual report and share with councillors; · To advise the local authority on the provision of training for teachers in RE; · To consider complaints about the provision and delivery of religious education and collective worship referred to it by the local authority.
Alternative Options Considered: SACRE has a legal duty to publish an annual report. This report ensures that SACRE complies with that duty and therefore not to present it is not considered to be an alternative option. No alternative options are therefore proposed.
Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2025/26 PDF 166 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
Indicative Budget Timeline and Scrutiny Process 2025/26 - Update PDF 800 KB Decision: RESOLVED
That the Executive:
a) Approved the proposed process and note the timeline for the setting of the budget noting that this may be subject to change in line with Government announcements or other factors.
b) Approved the proposed budget setting and scrutiny arrangements for the Children’s Trust as set out in this report, see particularly paragraphs 5.7 to 5.11 of the report.
c) Approved the overall indicative timeline for the budget setting as set out under paragraph 5.13.
d) Noted that the process is supported by the Corporate Scrutiny Committee following their consideration.
Reason for Recommendations – To inform the Executive of the indicative budget setting timeline for 2025/26 and the arrangements for the scrutiny of the budget by the Corporate Scrutiny Committee.
Alternative Options Considered: There are no alternative options under consideration, due to the need to meet approval deadlines and consultation requirements. The Corporate Scrutiny Committee considered the proposals as set out in Section 6 of this report regarding the scrutiny arrangements and were agreed to proceed on the basis as outlined. Some dates of the scrutiny committee work group meetings remain subject to finalisation, as outlined in the report, and others may be affected by further Government announcements.
Treasury Management Quarter 2 Report - 2024-25 PDF 116 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
That the Executive:
a) Noted the treasury management Quarter 2 report detailing the activity undertaken during the second quarter of the financial year ending 31st March 2025 and the performance achieved set out in Appendix A to this report; and
b) Noted the Council’s treasury management activities and performance for the quarter ended 30th September 2024.
Reasons for Recommendations: The Council’s Treasury Management Strategy Statement (TMSS) is underpinned by the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management (“the Code”) which requires that members are informed of treasury management activities on a quarterly basis each financial year. Full Council has delegated the formulation and monitoring of the Council’s treasury management strategy, policy, and activity to the Executive Committee.
Alternative Options Considered: There are no alternative options to be considered for this report, which is for noting only.
Capital Outturn 2024-25 – Forecasted Outturn as at Quarter 2 PDF 250 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
That the Executive:
a. Noted the provisional capital outturn position as forecasted at quarter 2 for the General Fund (GF) Capital Programme and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Capital Programme for 2024/25.
b. Noted the new schemes that have been approved since 1st April 2024.
c. Noted the schemes to be removed from the capital programme, detailed in table 3.
Reasons for Recommendations: this is in line with the Council’s constitution and financial regulations in relation to governance.
Alternative Options Considered: this report is on the forecasted out-turn and therefore alternative options are not proposed
Capital Programme Update 2024-25 PDF 155 KB Decision: RESOLVED
That the Executive:
i) Approved the following changes into the capital programme:
a. Northamptonshire Children’s Trust (NCT) Office and Care Accommodation Programme, budget approval for £20.374m, £11.205m in 2025/26, £2.957m in 2026/27, £5.172m in 2027/28 and £1.040m 2028/29 to be funded from borrowing.
b. Local Authority Treescape Fund (LATF) 2024 – budget approval of £420k, £137.3k in 2024/25, £94.2k in 2025/26, £94.2k in 2026/27, £94.2k in 2027/28, funded from external grant.
c. Desborough Leisure Centre, Sports Hall Floor Replacement – budget approval for £215k in 2024/25, to be funded £11k from external grant, £193k from capital receipts and £11.4k virement from existing capital programme budget.
d. Earls Barton Grange Project – budget approval of £800k in 2024/25 for the Grange Sport Field development to be funded from capital receipts.
ii) Recommended to Council to approve borrowing for the costs associated with the NCT Office and Care Accommodation Programme. This is in accordance with the Council's Constitution to approve all borrowing requests.
Reasons for Recommendations: These are set out in greater detail within section 5 of the report, but can be summarised as helping to meet the Council’s corporate plan objectives: - Green sustainable environment - Better, brighter futures - Safe and thriving places - Connected communities - Active, fulfilled lives
Alternative Options Considered:
· For those schemes which are grant funded or from Section 106 contributions, they are undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the grant conditions/ legal agreement and, therefore, there is no alternative option proposed in this report.
· Where individual schemes are over £0.5m, separate reports are included elsewhere on this agenda, and these set out the wider options that were considered before reaching the proposals put forward.
Budget Forecast 2024-25 - Period 6 PDF 409 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
That the Executive:
a) Noted the Council’s forecast outturn position for 2024/25 for the following:
i) General Fund as summarised in Section 4, alongside the further analysis, risks and other considerations as set out in Section 5 of the report.
ii) Housing Revenue Account (HRA) as set out in Section 6 of the report
iii) Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) as set out in Section 7 of the report.
b) Noted the release of £207k of the contingency budget to fund the recruitment of permanent staff into Education Support Services for Education Psychology Services (£141k) and Education Health and Care Services (£66k).
c) Noted the assessment of the current deliverability of the 2024/25 General Fund savings proposals as set out in Appendix A.
Reason for Recommendations – to note the forecast financial position for 2024/25 as at Period 3 and consider the impact on this year and future years budgets.
Alternative Options Considered: The report focuses on the forecast revenue outturn against budget for 2024/25 and makes recommendations for the Executive to note the current budgetary position as such there are no specific choices within the report.