Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
That Council
a) Welcomed the publication of the English Devolution White Paper and intent to devolve powers from Government and agrees that it wished to continue to be included in discussions on the creation of a Strategic Authority for the South Midlands.
b) Agreed that it wants to join the Devolution Priority Programme as a Principal Local Authority of the South Midlands Authorities.
c) Delegated authority to the Leader of the Council to submit an Expression of Interest to confirm North Northamptonshire Councils agreement to join the Devolution Priority Programme to explore the creation of a South Midlands Strategic Authority.
d) Delegated authority to the Leader of the Council (in consultation with Group Leaders) to progress negotiations for the creation of a South Midlands Strategic Authority on behalf of the Council through the Devolution Priority Programme or otherwise.
e) Agreed that, following these discussions, consultation and the development of specific proposals (including allied responsibilities, powers, governance and resources), a further report be considered by Council in 2025 to enable a decision to be taken on the creation of a Strategic Authority for the South Midlands.
Reason for Recommendations: To provide the opportunity for the Council together with the other South Midlands principal authorities to engage in the Devolution Priority Programme to explore the additional opportunities, benefits, and risks, for the area associated with the establishment of a Strategic Authority so that a more informed decision can be taken at a later date in 2025. This report is presented to allow a response to Government to meet the deadline of 10th January 2025.
Alternative Options Considered: The Council could choose not to engage with Government and the other South Midlands local authorities on the devolution proposals. This could result in the Council losing an opportunity to realise potential opportunities to deliver better outcomes for residents and businesses of our area. It may also lead to Government mandating change without the same ability of the Council to influence proposals.
Publication date: 10/01/2025
Date of decision: 09/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 09/01/2025 - Council
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